Sunday, May 29, 2011

Final Word

I was quite pleased to hear that my idea was chosen in combination with another project for the end of year exhibition. We will have to work now to combine both ideas, taking the strongest parts of both to make a strong new concept to work with.

Finally this project is done! I have built the model of the exhibition space, burnt the CD, printed the book... I think I'm done now.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


The exhibition space will be free for us to use. We will also have access to approximately 5 projectors and enough screens (either flatscreens or computers). However, if we need to use computers to display student works, these will need to be put on some sort of platform on the walls. In this case, we could easily mount wood on the walls to rest the computers on, allowing the creature to still climb over and under the works.

The projections themselves won’t cost any money.

The custom keyboard case will be very cheap as well and will be very easy to construct.

We can potentially use large sheets of paper to cover the surface of the greenscreen wall, but this won’t cost much either.

Here is a breakdown of all our potential costs:





Exhibition Space costs (including seating, movable walls etc.)




5 projectors


Platforms (potential)

$468 (Bunnings Warehouse Floating Shelf)

A1 Paper to cover greenscreen

$40 (art supply store, Doncaster)

Cardboard for custom keyboard

$20-50 depending on materials and solution chosen

If the floating shelves and the A1 paper is required, this project will cost approximately $560.

This makes the project very feasable. If we decide that we don’t need to have platforms or the A1 paper, this project will only cost about $20-$50 for the materials required to build the custom keyboard case.

The Custom Keyboard

This is the basic design of the custom keyboard:

A standard computer keyboard can be used with a simple cardboard custom cover built for it with six custom buttons. This is what the visitors use to control the emotions of the Beast. The custom built case will be built for the main purpose of holding the custom buttons, which will connect with particular buttons on the actual keyboard, which need to be triggered to set the emotion-changing keyboard events into place.

For example, the custom button showing a smiley face or a sun (representing happiness), can be pushed by the visitor. This custom button, when pressed, will in turn press down a keyboard button, for example, the letter “G” button, which can be programmed to set the “happy” animation into play.

As you can see, The custom buttons care built into the custom keyboard case and when pressed, will press the real keyboard buttons which will activate the code.

There is also room to put instructions on the right stide of the keyboard.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Exhibition Space

This is the design for the exhibition space -

As you can see from the above floor plan, the viewers can enter the exhibition space from two doors. However, I think it will be more appropriate for the visitors to enter through the door near the custom computer/keyboard so that they can have access to it. The rest of the exhibition space in the main room will then encourage viewers to walk the same route as the Beast.

In the smaller room, the student works will be displayed on the big screen. We can put chairs in here to allow viewers to sit.

The curtain will be pushed to the side in the smaller room. This is helpful because when a visitor presses a button on the custom computer and changes the Beast’s mood, the Beast will first finish his current loop, then “disappear behind the curtain” and then reappear in the new mood without any awkward transitions taking place.

The greenscreen wall on the left of the above floor plan can be made white with paper pasted on top of it if need be.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Walk-Cycle

Here are the clips for the happy walk-cycle. The first clip shows the different coloured limbs which helped with the animation and the red guide lines.

The clip below shows the animation in the environment of everything the creature touches. This is in yellow. Again, I think this will work better if the creature itself is in yellow too.

The last clip is the final animation with everything in yellow. I'm happy with this result.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Angry Walk-Cylce

Here are the clips for the angry walk-cycle. The first clip shows the different coloured limbs which help with the animation and the red lines which allow me to know where the floor is meant to be and to help with the 'bounce' in the walk-cycle.

The clip below it is the angry walk-cycle where the creature is black and the other elements are red. I think this works okay, but would work better if the beast was also red.

The last clip shows the final angry walk-cycle with the beast in all red. I think this works really well!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Neutral Walk-Cycle

The clip below shows how the animation was done - with the limbs of the character different colours and red lines which act as guides. The grey squares represent the screens on which student works will be showing.

The clip below shows the final walk-cycle for the character in a neutral state of mind. His limbs have all been changed to black and the red guide lines have been deleted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Projection Tests

Here are some sample projection tests of the videos shown on the previous post. I think they worked reasonably well - the animation needs to be smoother, at a more appropriate pace and at a much larger scale. I want the beast to be almost as big as the gallery walls.

I don't think the total redness worked too well - I think that the change in mood will have to be shown either in the other elements in the animation or in the actual character's projection.

Here are some photos showing the animal in a neutral state. Again, the character needs to be bigger, but this works really well.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sample Test Animations

Here are some sample animations for my 4th concept : The Beast.

In the first clip you can see an example of how other elements can be used with colour to evoke the moods that colour theory express. This is a clip of the beast in an angry state.

This is another sample of what can be done with the colour theory - the background can be coloured red for "anger" as opposed to individual elements

Here is a sample of The Beast walk-cycle in a 'neutral' state of mind.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Colour Theory

Colours and emotional/psychological states:



· Courage

· Strength

· Warmth

· Energy

· Stimulation

· Excitement

· Love


· Anger

· Hatred

· Aggression

· Impact

· Strain

· Danger

· Impulsive

· Intimidation

· Violence

· Revenge


· It has the longest wavelength and is a powerful colour

· Appears nearer than it is and therefor grabs viewer attention before any other colour

· Has a very physical effect – it stimulates us and raises the pulse rate, giving the impression that time is passing at a faster pace.

· It activates the fight or flight instinct.



· Intelligence

· Communication

· Trust

· Efficiency

· Serenity/tranquility

· Logic

· Coolness

· Reflection

· Calm

· Patience

· Understanding


· Coldness

· Unemotional

· Unfriendliness

· Depression

· Loneliness


· It is the colour of the mind and is generally soothing

· Affects the viewer mentally rather than physically like the colour red

· It can at once calm and sooth the viewer or can bring about sadness in others.

· It appears further away than it really is, opening up the space



· Optimism

· Confidence

· Self-esteem

· Extraversion

· Emotional strength

· Friendliness

· Happiness/joy

· Creativity/imagination


· Irrationality

· Fear

· Fragility

· Depression

· Anxiety


· Has a long wavelength and is very emotionally stimulating

· It can lift your spirit

· The wrong shade of it however can give rise to fear, anxiety, depression.



· Harmony

· Balance

· Refreshment

· Growth

· Rest

· Restoration

· Reassurance

· Awareness

· Peace

· Equilibrium

· Soothing


· Envy

· Jealousy

· Greed

· Boredom

· Stagnation

· Blandness


· Strikes the eye in such a way as to require no adjustment whatever and is, therefore, restful.

· The world contains plenty of green – indicates the presence of water, little danger of famine etc.



· Spiritual awareness

· Containment

· Vision

· Luxury

· Richness

· Authenticity

· Truth

· Quality

· Meditation


· Introversion

· Decadence

· Suppression

· Inferiority OR superiority


· Has the shortest wavelength and therefore associates with time, space and the cosmos

· Takes awareness to a higher level of thought

· The wrong tone communicates something cheap and nasty faster than any other colour



· Physical comfort

· Food

· Warmth

· Security

· Sensuality

· Passion

· Abundance

· Fun


· Deprivation

· Frustration

· Immaturity

· Frivolity


· Is stimulating and the reaction to it is a combination of physical and emotional

· Focuses our minds on issues of physical comfort and sensuality



· Physical tranquility

· Nurture

· Warmth

· Femininity

· Love

· Sexuality

· Survival


· Inhibition

· Claustrophobia

· Emasculation

· Weakness


· It affects us physically – usually it sooths us rather than stimulates us.

· Is a powerful colour psychologically

· Represents feminine principle and the survival of the species – it is nurturing and soothing.

· Too much pink can be physically draining and can be somewhat emasculating.



· Psychological neutrality


· Lack of confidence

· Dampness

· Depression

· Hibernation

· Lack of energy


· The only colour that has no dierect psychological properties.

· It is, however, quite suppressive.

· A virtual absence of colour is depressing and when the world turns grew we are instinctively conditioned to draw in and prepare for hibernation.



· Sophistication

· Glamour

· Security

· Emotional safety

· Efficiency

· Substance


· Oppression

· Coldness

· Menace

· Heaviness

· Fear


· Black is all colours, totally absorbed

· It creates protective barrios, absorbs energy coming towards you and enshrouds the personality.

· It is essentially a lack of light, since no wavelengths are reflected and it can, therefore, be menacing.

· It can cause fear – many people are afraid of black, of the unseen, of shadows.

· It creates a perception of weight and seriousness.



· Hygiene

· Sterility

· Clarity

· Purity

· Cleanliness

· Simplicity

· Sophistication

· Efficiency


· Sterility

· Coldness

· Barriers

· Unfriendliness

· Elitism

· Inhumanism


· It is total reflection – reflects the full force of the spectrum into our eyes.

· It creates barriers and is a strain to look at

· Visually it gives a heightened perception of space



· Seriousness

· Warmth

· Nature

· Earhiness

· Reliability

· Support


· Lack of humour

· Heaviness

· Lack of sophistication


· Most people find this colour quietly supportive.