Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"The Varangians" Group Profile

Physical -
  • Russian/European
  • Mixture of blonde, brown, black, red hair (mostly brown hair)
  • Mixture of pale/darker skin, but mostly very pale
  • Mixture colour eyes
  • Mixture features - but generally longer noses, thin faces
  • Mixture of heights and builds - those better off will be larger/more muscly, fatter; those worse off will be thin and sickly looking
  • Generally wear army uniforms
Personality -
  • Generally quite a run down group of people
  • Seem to only live to serve The Governor and The General
  • Follow orders like sheep/robots and very rarely question these or do otherwise
  • Generally not "evil" or "bad", but simply a group who follow orders blindly
  • Their violence is generally not due to them being at all "evil", but simply a result of the orders they are given
  • The executing of these orders can sometimes be really horrific
  • Being in the army would give psychopaths an excuse for doing horrific things without consequences, but this is minimal.
History -
  • The Varangians come from a distant great, barren land - one of the most powerful lands in Europe.
  • Several decades ago, before their colonisation in North America, this group of people faced a massive issue in their home country - they had burned through all of their forests and now had no resources left. There was nothing left for them to burn. They discovered coal and its many uses and started collecting and using all the coal that was on the surface of their country. When this supply also ran out, they were forced to dig for coal. With this process came many discoveries and invention - most notably, the invention of a steam pump and with it the industrial age begun.
  • After a few decades, this supply was running low and the country, both powerful and rich, decided to seek new lands with fresh resources.
  • They came upon North America in great numbers and set up several colonies there.
  • There they encountered many Native American tribes, as well as a strange tribe which seemed to be half Native American, half northern European.
  • Many wars took place between all the tribes and the new comers which left many of the native tribes with low numbers. The tribes were oppressed by the new comers who outnumbered them and was much too powerful an enemy to overcome.
  • Over time the tribes scattered around the country and tried to stay out of the enemy's way.
  • The enemy brought many people over to the new land and immediately started setting up massive cities of factories where people (mostly convicts and orphans) were forced to work ridiculous hours gathering resources, most of which is sent back to the mother country.
  • The Governor is the overseer of this "business" and is also in charge of the army.
  • The army is broken up into groups and spread across the country where they are in charge of keeping under control any nearby tribes. They stay in these areas and spend their time monitoring their surroundings and training.
Motives -
  • To, above all, follow The Governor's orders without question
  • To, secondly, follow The General's orders without too much question
  • To train in fighting and combat
  • To set up territories
  • To monitor these territories
  • To keep all tribes scared and under control
  • To "scare" the tribes on a regular basis
Special Abilities -
  • Large numbers of soldiers
  • Very good with weapons
Weapons -
  • Muskets and other guns
  • Canons
  • Explosives
  • Small knives
Relationships -
>The Governor:
  • They are terrified of The Governor
  • Most don't have personal relationships with him and all communication and orders are passed through The General
>The General:
  • Generally have a good relationship with The General - he is mostly a good leader
  • Mostly believe that what he is doing is right and respect him
  • Some question his actions, but rarely to his face for fear of being made examples of
  • Some, but very few, laugh at his ass-kissing nature behind his back. These few don't respect him and will sometimes cause him hassle
>The People:
  • Most consider them to be savage animals who do not deserve basic respect, but there isn't necessarily a feeling of hate toward them
  • Most will make war against them without a second thought
  • Very few sympathise with them and will somehow try to help the tribe, but this is quite rare.

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