Thursday, April 21, 2011

Game Title - "Varangian"

It is really difficult to summarise this game with only a few fitting words which could make an appropriate title.

It seems natural to somehow use Balder's name in the title, or to make mention of the end of Ragnarök or the colonisation in North America, but all these themes leave out too much else.

I have decided upon the title "Varangian" for my game. This title serves a number of purposes and can be interpreted in a number of ways:
  • The Varangians were vikings who went eastwards and southwards through what is now Russia. While initially combining piracy and trade in their roaming through this area, viking explorers eventually settled there. They became powerful leaders in many parts of Russia, but eventually the Viking minority merged with Slavic population and absorbed Greek Christian influences.
  • This is an interesting part of history which creates even more interesting reasons for using a Russian-esque enemy in the game.
  • "Varangian" could refer to the way that the enemy conduct themselves and could be a comment on how Vikings are seen today the majority of the world. To have the enemy be a group of violent, selfish raiders who simply take what they want without any regard for anything else against a more peaceful group of half-vikings would be a strong comment on how we see different cultures, and in particular, the Viking culture. In a way, the typical viking stereotype of violence and selfishness (though these people won't be specifically Viking or Varangian, but more Russian-esque) would be contrasted against a more positive outlook on the Vikings as primarily a peaceful farming people.

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