Sunday, April 10, 2011

Main Character Profile: "The General"

Physical -
  • 25 years old
  • Wears uniform
  • Reasonably good looking
  • Very youthful
  • Tall, lanky
  • Childlike
  • Pale skin, dark brown hair, deep brown eyes
  • Has an expression that changes between eager and aggressive
  • A little less intelligent than the average person
Personality -
  • Wants to impress the governor at all costs
  • Worships the governor
  • Makes silly childlike decisions
  • Over excitable - this is deadly when it comes to combat
  • Good, strong leader who looks out for his people only third to looking out for his governor and himself
  • Ruthless
  • Is very eager to please the governor
  • Joker-like personality to some extent
  • Will always do whatever the governor wants him to do without question
  • Has a complex of trying to win acceptance and praise from the governor
  • Unpredictable
History -
  • Grew up in the Old Country
  • Never knew his mother but thinks that the governor was his father - this is the reason he tries so hard to impress him
  • When he was 18, he volunteered to come to the new land with the governor to work to complete their king's orders
  • The governor placed him in charge of a small regional army situated near the viking village to give him some importance - but mostly to make him feel more important than he is and to keep him busy enough to not be annoying
  • He doesn't hate the Vikings, but he is just completely unsympathetic to them. They are just savage and inferior beings to him, just a minor annoying inconvenience like flies.
Motives -
  • To impress the governor in any way possible
  • To follow all the governor's wishes
  • To follow the king's wishes, but only second to his governor
  • To control and instruct his army
  • To keep the vikings submissive and scared
Special Abilities -
  • He doesn't have super human special abilities
  • He is quite destructive when he has made a poor decision in a kind of fit where he tries to impress the governor
  • Has complete control over his army
Weapons -
  • Basically his army is his weapon
  • Uses a range of explosives, muskets, canons etc - very civil-war style weapons
Relationships -

>The Governor
  • Thinks that the governor is his father
  • Wants his approval, wants to please him
  • Thinks that the governor is the greatest person in the world
  • Would sacrifice himself for the governor if it came to it
  • Is like a hyperactive puppy in relation to the governor
  • In charge of the army near the viking district - was made the leader by the governor
  • The governor pays as little attention to him as possible and sees him as a bit of a nuisance, although harmless
  • He tries to report back to the governor as much as possible with any kind of news (this becomes an issue for the governor who tells him to not bother him unless it is really important and when the leader sees what's happening in the Viking village, he wonders whether he should tell the governor or not)
>The People
  • He doesn't hate them but sees them as less than animals in worth
  • Thinks that they are harmless, uncivilized savages
  • Likes bullying them - makes him feel powerful and therefore more like the governor
  • Doesn't have any interest in anything that they have to say or do - except when he finally realizes that they could be organizing a revolution
  • Generally he doesn't pay any attention to them and doesn't care whether they live or die
>The Varangians
  • Has a good relationship with his soldiers
  • He is generally a good leader, but sometimes puts the army in harms way when he makes stupid decisions
  • His soldiers respect him and fear him for his ruthlessness and unpredictability, but sometimes make jokes about him being a kiss-arse behind his back
  • They follow his word usually without question, but can sometimes hesitate a bit and sometimes the braver of the troops will verbally question his instructions
  • He regards his army very highly and will put their safety and well-being only below the governor's and his own

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